Welcome Parents and Students!
I will be your child's fourth grade teacher this year. I am so excited to start a new journey in 4th Grade.
Please have your child come to school everyday if possible. One day missed of instruction will cause your child to miss from their learning. Students will be expected to be in class by 7:45. If they would like to eat breakfast they must get to school by 7:20 so they have plenty of time for breakfast. As a 4th grader your child will need to read their library books at home daily for 20 minutes, and should come to school daily ready to test on AR Books. It is expected that each student earns at least 2 points by the end of the week. AR incentives will be provided in class for students that meet their weekly AR Goals.
Reading homework will be going home daily from Mon-Thurs and sometimes on Fridays. Students will be given their Spelling words on Monday and their homework to be turned in on Friday morning. Please have your child review words daily as they will be testing on Friday.
Please make sure that you are connected to my Class Dojo and that you check daily for messages or news that might be posted. Class Dojo will be the main source of communication.
My conference time is daily from 7:45 - 8:30. You may call the school or message me through Class Dojo to set up an appointment when needed.
I look forward to a wonderful year!