Candice Perez » Candice Perez

Candice Perez

Welcome to the world of specialized instruction!! My name is Mrs. Perez and this is my 21st year of teaching special education.  I am pleased to be apart of your child's education program. Together we will strive to reach the highest expectations. Each student has an Individualized Education Plan to ensure their success and improvement throughout the year. If you need to reach out to me, my contact info is as follows:
phone: 956-323-8400
email: [email protected]

"Everybody is Different, Respect the Differences" ~unknown

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.~~Nelson Mandela
My goal for the year is for my students to show progress in some form or fashion.  I have high expectations for all my students and encourage progress daily.  In my classroom, students are expected to sign in upon arrival, grab their supplies from their individual cubbies, and sit down at their desk.  After each lesson, students are required to sign out as they exit my classroom. This is to ensure that students are accounted for at all times.   


If you have any questions regarding your child's educational plan, please feel free to contact me at 956-323-8400 so that we can set up an appointment.