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Welcome to Mrs. Michelle Garcia 1st Grade Classroom!
Where our Awesome Achievers, strive everyday to meet all of our academic achievements!

 Monday, Tuesday & Friday- Conference Time: 9:15-10:00
Wednesday-No conference period
Lunch Time: 11:35-12:15

Attendance is of the utmost importance so that the students will not miss out on any lessons and activities that happen throughout the day in class. 

Please read with your child daily as well as practice their sight words along with their spelling words for the week.  

*Friday tests day on reading, spelling, grammar,  math and science. 

Thank you!
Bienvenidos a la clase de Mrs. Michelle Garcia primer grado.
Donde nuestros Awesome Achievers  se esfuerzan todos los días para alcanzar todos nuestros logros académicos
 lunes, martes, jueves y viernes-hora de conferencia: 9:15-10:00
miercoles-no hay conferencia 
Hora de comer: 11:35-12:15




Hi there! I am Mrs. Michelle Garcia 1st grade teacher. I am so excited to start a new school filled with lots enthusiasm to inquire my students into their grade level. We will be unstoppable!